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Session Reminders
Reduce Client No-Shows with the help of automated appointment reminders that directly send out secure communication messages via call, text, and email.

Automate your Client's Session Reminders
Ensure clients don't forget about upcoming sessions with secure schedule reminders.
Text, Call, and Email
Directly communicate to your client with the best method.
Auto Reminders
No more manual messaging - let your EHR do it for you!
Secure Messaging
HIPAA compliant protection for all means of communication.
Reduced No-Shows
Have a peace of mind that your clients will make each session.

Text, Call, and Email
Seamlessly communicate with your client via the medium that is preferred by them - whether that be text, call, or email.
Automated Reminders
No need to manually try to track down each client regarding their upcoming sessions - allow your behavioral health EHR to automatically notify them for you.

Secure Messaging
No need to worry about data security! Use a HIPAA compliant messaging system that will keep all client information safe and secure.
Reduce No-Shows
With regularly, automated reminders pushed straight to your clients comes the peace of mind that no-shows will reduce and clients will be more engaged in showing up to each scheduled appointment.

Check out Janine's Story
See how Liaisons Wellness Center benefited from CheckpointEHR’s clinician-friendly EHR system in this case study.
What people are saying...
“You are a wonderful team. We have tried EHRs before with different companies and they were not able to deliver, but Checkpoint is diligent, faithful, responsive, and always there. It is greatly appreciated. The entire office staff loves working with Checkpoint. It has really prepared us for expansion. The assistance you give is wonderful.”
Business Manager

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Looking to evaulate a new EHR system for your practice?
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