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Clinical Assessments
Seamlessly record client information using an agile clinical assessment template. Facilitate smooth client evaluations and log standardized diagnostics with ease in your EHR system.

Log Diagnoses using Clinical Assessments
Effectively conduct a behavioral health assessment and evaluation for each client.
ICD-10 Codes
Use standardized diagnostic codes in your assessments.
Adaptable Format
You get to choose your client's assessment direction.
Easily and securely log signatures to each assessment.
Downloadable Files
Conveniently download & export assessments.

ICD-10 Codes
Leverage the standardized system for healthcare diagnostic codes in each of the behavioral health assessments you perform with your clients.
Adaptable Format
Use a highly flexible assessment template that can be catered towards the appropriate clinical evaluation of any client.

Securely capture signature inside your behavioral health EHR system, rather than dealing with paperwork or external documents.
Downloadable Files
Need to download or export an individual progress note or an entire progress note report? Now you can in both PDF and Excel formats.

Check out Janine's Story
See how Liaisons Wellness Center benefited from CheckpointEHR’s clinician-friendly EHR system in this case study.
What people are saying...
“You are a wonderful team. We have tried EHRs before with different companies and they were not able to deliver, but Checkpoint is diligent, faithful, responsive, and always there. It is greatly appreciated. The entire office staff loves working with Checkpoint. It has really prepared us for expansion. The assistance you give is wonderful.”
Business Manager

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Looking to evaulate a new EHR system for your practice?
Get in touch with us today to learn more!