Checkpoint E-Prescribing

Checkpoint E-Prescribing Readiness
We are proud to announce our Checkpoint E-Prescribing of controlled substances (EPCS) as our newest feature available in the new version of Checkpoint v3.0 EHR (Electronic Health Records).
Let the celebration begin: Checkpoint has successfully passed Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA) approved audits and been certified by both Surescripts and Drummond Group!
All schedule drugs are now legally permitted to be electronically prescribed in all 50 states and E-Prescribing is already becoming a requirement in some states. Integrity Support is happy to announce their Checkpoint EHR System has passed the DEA auditing process. We are thrilled to present this excellent offering, as it will greatly benefit our customers, making prescription drug record-keeping stress free.
While 80.6% of pharmacies have adopted E-Prescribing but unfortunately only 6.0% of ALL providers – both mental health and medical prescribers nation-wide are actually taking advantage of this technology.
We invite you, our valued Integrity Team, to be apart of this cutting-edge advancement in prescribing medications necessary in the care and services for your clients – paper-less, secure, safe, fast, and convenient for you the prescriber, the pharmacy and your client.
Be a part of this progressive, exciting technology that many states are already beginning to require for all prescriber’s prescriptions, by contacting us today!