99.5% Clean Claim Rate!

Medical claims can be confusing and tedious to fill out. Because of this, practitioners often make mistakes that lead to delays in reimbursement and delayed or denied claims. With a 99.5% clean rate, Integrity Supports Checkpoint EHR software has helped behavioral health practitioners receive reimbursement faster by helping them avoid delays. Checkpoint is one of the best EHR software on the market and can help you ensure your practice is receiving the compensation it needs to provide adequate care to your patients. Read more about why a high clean claim rate is so important for behavioral health EHR then schedule a free demo!

What is a Clean Claim Rate?
A clean claim rate is the percentage of insurance claims that are free of errors. When a claim is submitted with errors, it must be corrected and resubmitted, which can cause delays in reimbursement. A high clean claim rate ensures that your practice is being reimbursed promptly for the services you provide. Checkpoint offers a hands-free claims submission feature to help ensure the accuracy of your practice's claims. Manual data entry takes time and energy and often includes human error due to the tedious nature of the task. By automating this process, Checkpoint automatically adds patient data to the software to ensure the claim is sent for the proper amount.
What is the Importance of a High Clean Claim Rate?
A high clean claim rate is important for several reasons. First, it ensures that your practice is being reimbursed promptly for the services you provide. Second, it helps to avoid delays in care due to delayed or denied claims. Third, a high clean claim rate can help improve your practice's cash flow by ensuring claims are filed quickly and accurately. Finally, a high clean claim rate is a reflection of the quality of care you provide to your patients. You want to show them that their time and information are valuable to you and that you are willing to make the effort to ensure their claim is submitted correctly.

Checkpoint Billing Software Features
As a behavioral health EHR, Checkpoint provides a professional-grade system that increases the efficiency of the workflow process. This helps practitioners focus more on their customers and less on filling out their customer information correctly. To do this, Checkpoint provides practitioners with a variety of key features, such as:
- Hands-free claim submission
- Authorization tracking
- Client appointment reminders
- Unlimited users at no extra cost
- Cloud-based system
- Online assessments
- Hassle-free pricing
- Important date tracking
- Robust reports
Why Choose Checkpoint as your EHR Software?
Integrity Solutions have strived to create the best EHR software to help behavioral health practitioners maintain their business operations. As a Checkpoint user, you will have access to our expert support team who will help you with software challenges as well as provide one-on-one training. We believe that customer service is at its best when you work with someone who knows your business, that's why you will have a member of our support team assigned to your account. This support member will get to know your business inside and out so that they can provide the unique service your business needs. They will always be ready to discuss your account with you and give you excellent customer service during regular business hours.

At Integrity Support, we care about our clients and their customers. That's why we developed an EHR software that helps improve your workflow process and allows your business to receive the clean claim rate that you need to succeed. Schedule a free demo today to see how our software can benefit your business.